We have entered yet another phase in our fight against COVID-19 in the U.S. and globally. For many months now, the front line defenses against developing the disease COVID-19 have been: (1) Personal hygiene including vigilant hand washing, (2) social distancing, and (3) use of a facial mask when in public settings. Now, we have added large-scale vaccination to our “defense tool kit”. But vaccination brings its own set of challenges that our country must face, as it will be the largest vaccination program in our nation's history.
As COVID-19 cases begin to increase,
we must remain vigilant in practicing what I like to call "The Three W's: Wash Your Hands, Wear Your Mask, Watch Your Distance."
Wash Your Hands
Practicing regular, good hand-washing technique for 20 seconds can virtually eliminate any viral particles that happen to find their way onto your skin. Of course when access to soap and water is not possible, applying a palm full of hand sanitizer (70% ethyl alcohol) by rubbing hands together until dry is recommended.
Wear Your Mask
Filtration materials found in facial masks provide an extremely effective, cost-effective method of preventing infectious individuals (even so-called “asymptomatics”) from passing the virus on to others by trapping viral particles.
Watch Your Distance
The need for social distancing will continue as the months progress. Make sure to maintain a 6 feet distance between yourself and people that you may come in contact with.